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Video: Bridging the Gaps between Prison and Community based R&R Programs for Violent Extremist Offenders
Bridging the Gaps between Prison and Community based R&R Programs for Violent Extremist Offenders

”Bridging the Gaps between Prison and Community based Rehabilitation and Reintegration Programs for Violent Extremist Offenders” is a three-day conference organized by UNICRI on 14-16 February 2018, Turin, Italy.

Practitioners and policymakers from 14 country delegations gathered together at United Nations Campus in Turin (Italy) to build upon lessons learned in the field of rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist offenders, exploring ways to better respond to context-based priorities and challenges, and bridging the gap between the custodial environment and the community. Since 2012 UNICRI has been implementing a major international P\CVE initiative with the aim to support Member States, at their request, to design and implement effective disengagement, rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for violent extremist offenders (VEOs), and to address the broad range of issues relating to radicalization inside and outside of prison settings.

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