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Workshops and stakeholder meetings held in Lisbon on the occasion of the European Cyber Security Month

Lisbon -

On the occasion of the European Cyber Security Month, the National Security Cabinet of Portugal hosted a series of workshops and events in Lisbon on 6 - 10 October. The European Cyber Security Month is a European Union awareness raising campaign which aims to promote cyber security among citizens, to change their perception of cyber-threats and provide up to date security information, through education and sharing good practices.

In this context, UNICRI supported the organization of the first National Cyber Security Centre of Portugal closed door meeting. The overall aim of the meeting, chaired by the Director of the National Cyber Security Centre, was to present the activities of the Centre to key stakeholders, to create an engaging environment for future cooperation and to stimulate discussion in the area of cybersecurity. The Center’s main objective is to ensure that Portugal can safely use cyberspace, by making the public and private entities more resilient to cyber attacks and by ensuring international cooperation in this field. In addition, the Centre will implement measures to prevent, detect, react and recover from potential cyber attacks against national critical infrastructure. Information security professionals and representatives from the government, private companies and technology providers participated in the event.

In addition, on 10 October, UNICRI participated in a Round Table session on cybersecurity challenges. The event provided for an opportunity to showcase UNICRI’S strategy and activities for securing cyberspace, with a focus on the Institute’s current projects on information sharing and public-private partnerships in the field of cybersecurity and cybercrime.

The initiative is part of the UNICRI programme on public and private partnerships, which aims, inter alia, to promote regional, national and local initiatives through the identification, development and testing of innovative security cooperation models.