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New Quest Unlocked: The Intersection of Gaming and Violent Extremism

New Quest Unlocked: The Intersection of Gaming and Violent Extremism

An Expert Briefing

United Nations HQ, New York -


UNICRI and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism (UNOCT), in partnership with the Permanent Missions of Japan and the Kingdom of Morocco to the UN, are hosting an expert briefing titled “New Quest Unlocked.”
This event aims to raise awareness and foster dialogue around violent extremism on gaming platforms. These platforms have increasingly become spaces where extremist actors exploit opportunities to disseminate propaganda, recruit members, and engage in radicalization activities, making it essential to better understand the challenges and opportunities for safeguarding these digital environments.

The gaming world connects millions globally, especially younger generations, creating unique social spaces but also exposing vulnerabilities. Violent extremist groups exploit gaming’s anonymity and immersive features to groom, recruit, radicalize, and fundraise. The evolving tactics of extremists often outpace traditional detection methods, underscoring the urgency of effective prevention strategies.

Join us to explore solutions for creating safer gaming spaces and protecting communities.
RSVP here:

Time: 15.00 - 17.30
Date: 6 December 2024
Location: Conference Room 12, UNHQ, New York / UNWebTV