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Third issue of 1540 Compass

The third edition of 1540 Compass focuses on domestic controls and measures to safeguard sensitive materials, as outlined in operative paragraph 3 (a) and (b) of United Nations Security Council Resolution (UNSCR) 1540 (2004). This issue highlights best practices for the secure production, use, storage, and transport of nuclear, chemical, and biological materials, as well as other sensitive items, emphasizing the importance of these measures throughout their entire life cycle.

Contributions from across the globe provide rich insights and practical recommendations. Articles from Indonesia discuss advancements in safeguarding sensitive materials, while Japan shares its expertise in regulatory frameworks and best practices for physical protection. Insights from Kenya highlight regional approaches to implementing UNSCR 1540, and contributions from the United States explore innovations in technology and enforcement. The Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) details its work in assisting States to enhance domestic control measures.

The issue features interviews with thought leaders and experts, including Maria Rosa Sabbatelli, who offers insights into the European Union’s comprehensive support for UNSCR 1540; Janice Sacedon-Dimayacyac, who discusses effective trade management in the Philippines; Elena Buglova, who highlights the critical role of the Incident and Trafficking Database (ITDB) in addressing illicit trafficking; Redouane Houssaini, who underscores Morocco’s collaborative strategies to combat WMD proliferation; and Asep Hermawan, who shares lessons from the radiological sphere that inform nuclear security practices.

Additional articles explore innovative approaches and align UNSCR 1540’s implementation with broader global priorities. Contributions from the Stimson Center examine the resolution’s intersection with sustainable development goals, while the World Customs Organization (WCO) outlines strategies for strengthening strategic trade control through enhanced customs enforcement. Contributions from the Organization for American States (OAS) and the United Nations Office of Counter-Terrorism emphasize the importance of international and regional cooperation in achieving UNSCR 1540’s objectives.

This edition also celebrates the success of the Letters-to-the-Editor section, launched in the previous issue, which has fostered a dynamic platform for readers to share their reflections, insights, and questions.

The issue underscores that domestic controls and physical protection measures are essential not only for meeting international obligations but also for preventing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs). By strengthening these systems, we contribute to a safer, more secure global community.

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