Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism and Radicalization

Strong governance, accountable institutions, and inclusive societies are indispensable foundations for peaceful and sustainable development. In their absence existing grievances, local conditions, and situational circumstances can be easily exploited by violent extremist groups. These factors may expose people and communities to criminality, create vulnerabilities for radicalization, and give rise to violence.
UNICRI works to strengthen community and institutional resilience to protect individuals and vulnerable populations, build social cohesion, and develop effective strategies for preventing and countering radicalization and violent extremism.
In so doing, the key areas for UNICRI include:
- Radicalization and violent extremism drivers for youth
- Gender-based discrimination and violent extremism
- Rehabilitation and reintegration of violent extremist offenders and foreign terrorist fighters
- Role of sports in preventing violent extremism
UNICRI works with local communities, civil society, and state institutions to address threats related to radicalization and violent extremism as well as to understand their impacts on societies in general and
on vulnerable groups in particular. It works through partnerships at the community level to tackle the local drivers for the radicalization of youth as well as gender dynamics of recruitment and radicalization. UNICRI also works in settings where conditions expose people to the risks of radicalization and recruitment, such as prisons.
UNICRI continues its programmes aimed at preventing radicalization by strengthening the protective factors for individuals and groups. This includes the Institute’s work on the linkages between sport and the prevention of violent extremism.