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Participants to the study visit




In continued efforts to contribute to strengthening security in Moldova, UNICRI supported an exchange visit for Moldovan law enforcement officers to Romania to learn about data protection in the police sector.

On 13 and 14 March 2024, five high-ranking law enforcement officers nominated by Moldova’s Ministry of Internal Affairs (MIA), participated in a study visit to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Officer of the MIA in Romania.

Topics covered during the visit included both legislative and operational aspects of Data Protection, such as the main elements of the European Union legislation and practices on data protection in the police sector;  recommendations for improving and developing the system of collecting, storing, and processing any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual, as well as safeguarding it in the police sector, the methods used for transmitting such data across borders and measures that can be used to prevent security incidents.

The representatives from MIA Moldova, reiterated their appreciation for UNICRI’s support and expressed interest in further enhancing collaboration with their Romanian counterparts.

UNICRI is grateful to the Office of the Personal Data Protection Officer, MIA Romania, for hosting the visit.


In March 2023, the Director of UNICRI and Moldova’s Minister of Internal Affairs signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), highlighting the need for customized technical support to address Moldova’s unique security issues. To date, UNICRI has conducted research in Moldova on regional security, illicit drug trafficking and explosives for civil uses, and facilitated workshops on cybersecurity, critical infrastructure planning, bomb alert cases, disinformation and online drug trafficking.

The study visit to Romania marks the beginning of UNICRI and MIA Moldova’s cooperation on data protection, further confirming the fruitful partnership.